There were 265 authors from 44 countries, who sent 561 artworks to the 7th international festival of cartoon
ZAGREB 2002.
Download complete list of entries (pdf format)
From the catalogue:
"Click, click… If a picture, as the Croatian saying says, has the value of one thousand words, then a cartoon is worth at least ten thousand words. Er, and how much is worth a cartoon presenting - shooting?
One, two or three hundred thousands, a million, or a billion…?
We should not go too far since the answer has no decisive importance.
What is important of this year's 7th International Cartoon Festival "Zagreb 2002" is the fact that a huge number of authors responded to the invitation. The topic "Attention! We're shooting!" obviously has seemed cheerful and provocative to everybody. And it is normal since at the present everything is being shot. Even the cartoons show it.
They are set everywhere - into luxurious banks and half empty offices, rich and huge directors' rooms, and small workers' homes, hospitals, maternity hospitals, mortuaries, bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms, parks, squares and dark streets. Wherever a cameraman finds some interest, there will be a camera, wherever a man is, there will be a microphone, wherever life is, or death, camera is clicking… Click, click...I am shot! And you?"
According to the regulations, the following prizes were decided upon the jury:
Garif Basyrov (Russia)
Victor Bogdanov (Ucraine)
Mahmut Akgun (Turkey)
 the JURY
Josko Marusic, President of the Jury, cartoonist
Antun Kresimir Buterin, Journalist at Nedjeljni Vjesnik
Srecko Puntaric-Felix, Cartoonist
Zdenko Puhin, Cartoonist
Frano Dulibic, Art Historian