The Belgian Cartoon Exhibition will be opened at the gallery Zvonimir in Zagreb, 33 Bauerova Street,
on Tuesday, 15 September 2015.
The Belgian Cartoon Exhibition named 100 CARTOONS FROM BELGIUM was arranged with Rudy Gheysens. Mr Gheysens is
the president of the European Cartoon Centre in Kruishoutem, a part of which is also a centre promoting cartoon
as one of contemporary arts.
Stefaan Provijn
The Exhibition presents ten of the best Belgian cartoonists: O-SEKOER, Luc Vernimmen, Luc Vermeersch, Stefaan
Provijn, Jan Dufour, Tony Houbrechts, Ludo Goderis, Nikola Hendrickx, Constantin Sunnerberg, Norbert Van Yperzeele,
all of them being the winners at the international cartoon festivals.
Nikola Hendrickx
The Exhibition is co-organized by the Croatian Cartoonists Association from Zagreb and the European Cartoon
Centre from Kruishoutem, Belgium.
Luc Descheemaeker
Luc Vernimmen